State Rep. Sue Errington

State Representative Sue Errington served on the Delaware County Council and in the Indiana State Senate before her first election to the Indiana House of Representatives in 2012.

Errington currently serves as the ranking minority member of the Environmental Affairs Committee. She is also a member of the Elections and Apportionment Committee and serves as vice chair of the Statutory Committee on Ethics.

A dedicated community leader, Errington has spent much of her life working to bring people together to get things done.

Errington has a long record of public service on local boards and commissions and with local, state, and national organizations advancing women’s rights and good government.

Current community service includes the board of directors of Muncie OUTreach, the Delaware County Tobacco Free Coalition, the Muncie/Delaware County Coalition of Women’s Organizations, and the board of directors of the Second Harvest Food Bank. Errington also serves as a board member of the Afghan Women’s and Kids’ Education & Necessities (AWAKEN) organization and the Indiana Recycling Market Development Program through the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM).

Errington is a member of the National Caucus of Environmental Legislators (NCEL), the Recycling Advisory Committee of the Muncie Sanitary Board, and the Muncie Friendship Welcome Group, as part of the U.S. Dept. of State’s Welcome Corps.

She taught Spanish and later served 17 years as the Public Policy Director for Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky.

Errington lives in Muncie. She and her late husband, Paul, have two married daughters and two grandchildren.

About House District 34

State Rep. Sue Errington (D-Muncie) represents House District 34 in Central Indiana, which includes portions of Delaware County.

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